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Jul 25, 2020
What Is The Goal Of Meditation?
The true goal of meditation: to tune our minds away from the clutter of thought that frequently occupies our mind and get in synch with...

May 15, 2020
Going Through A Spiritual Awakening?
Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but..

Apr 7, 2020
How Does Intention Have the Power to Change Your Life?
Our intention creates our reality. By being purposeful about what we want to accomplish we create our reality. The intentions we set today..

Mar 11, 2020
35 Motivating Mindfulness Quotes to Energize Your Life!
Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding...

Feb 13, 2020
Meditation 101: Techniques, Benefits & How To Meditate?
Meditation is simply embracing whatever is happening in the present moment. It's important to note that meditation isn't analyzing your...

Jan 15, 2020
Why Life Is A Mirror Reflecting Your Inner World?
Everyone we meet in our lives are our mirrors that reflects some aspects of ourselves.
They reflect part of you that you aren't willing...

Dec 11, 2019
12:12:12 Gateway During December Full Moon in Gemini
We have a 12/12 portal that we are getting ready to go thru coming up on Thursday. We also have a full moon in Gemini on the same day..

Nov 25, 2019
Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Here?
When we incarnate in this world we have our own assignments that are soul has set up for us our soul contracts. Along on our journey we...

Nov 17, 2019
How To Become Great At Manifesting Your Dreams?
To manifest your dream... it seems so simple, but for majority of us it's not as easy as it sounds. WE are ALWAYS creating our own reality..

Nov 15, 2019
What Do Synchronicities Mean?
Synchronicities are situations, circumstances, events, people that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher levels...

Nov 9, 2019
Get Ready: Extremely Powerful 11:11 Portal Is Coming!
November 11, 2019: will be one of the most magical days of the year because of the spiritual significance of 11/11 in numerology...

Oct 24, 2019
The Universe Is A Mirror Reflection Of YOU!
The universe is set up to work on your behalf. Our world Gaia is not a uncaring or random expression; it's a living, breathing reflection...

Oct 23, 2019
How to Protect Yourself from Other People’s Negative Energy?
When you spend time with negative people, you know how quickly you can adsorb their negative mentality. Often times it happens...

Oct 21, 2019
How Does Negative Energy Affect Your Life?
Everything in the universe, including us: is made up of energy. Energy is all around us, in every person and in every room. Even though we..

Oct 17, 2019
"I AM": The Two Most Powerful Words You Can Use ✅
I AM. Are the most powerful words you can say. Why? Because the words "I AM" program your subconscious beliefs...

Oct 11, 2019
How to Talk to Your Spirit Guides?
When you want to connect with your spirit guides, you must create a sacred space to use and try to keep to a consistent time everyday...

Oct 9, 2019
What Is A Spirit Guide?
Have you experienced synchronizes that didn't make sense at the time but it was exactly what you needed at that moment? When we scratch...

Sep 17, 2019
7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy
There are no universal stages of alchemy as every soul experience is different, I've complied a list of stages I've personally gone thru...

Sep 15, 2019
What Is Karma and How Does It Work?
Karma is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week teacher for us. All of our lessons are perfectly aligned to our spiritual needs and there is never...

Sep 12, 2019
Higher Consciousness Quotes ✅
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” ~Albert Einstein
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