I AM. Are the most powerful words you can say. Why? Because the words "I AM" program your subconscious beliefs. "I AM"___ instructs your higher self and the Universe to form an outer reality to match.
Pay attention to not only your words but also your thoughts. What are you saying to yourself? Do you find yourself saying things like: "I am irritable" or "I am sick of...." or "I am angry"? These word formations are the opposite of how you really want to feel, and you have to program your mind to think positively if you want positive results in your life.
Every time you use the words "I AM" you are instructing yourself to feel, believe and thin a certain way. This is telling your subconscious mind what to filter in and our of your awareness. "I AM" commands the Universe to form an outer reality to match what you just said you want in it.
Guess what? You are the ONLY one who decides what comes after you say "I AM" so choose wisely. You believe what you constantly tell yourself and that is the power of your words and having awareness.
Instead use positive reinforcements like:
I AM bountiful
I AM beautiful
I AM bliss
I AM love
I AM peace
I AM joy
I AM power
I AM truth
I like to have gratitude walks daily to to connect with nature and raise my vibrations. During these walks I say our loud what I AM grateful for and it puts me in a great frame of mind and connects me to my higher self. I also like to listen to this music video:
Light of my soul By Ajeet Kaur
Eventually with time and practice you can train your mind to ignore negative thoughts and emotions that you are experiencing. Since your positive thoughts and words are more powerful than your negative thoughts and words, positive thinking wins. Why? Because positive thoughts are consistent with the vibrations of the very existence, and therefore they act more strongly. They are supported by law of vibration and attraction therefor a positive thought is always in line with life and reality. Meanwhile a negative is always in conflict with life and reality, and therefore it is always a reflection of ignorance and unconsciousness of reality, and the fundamental values of life.
Positive thoughts are a reflection of the work of our soul in this world. Negative thoughts are only a reflection of our unconsciousness reality, our fears and uncertainty. In order to overcome our negative thoughts, we need to become aware of them and shift our perspective to a positive one. The law of attraction is a reflection of the universal law of existence and because of this, positive thoughts always act more strongly to the realization of the process of attraction. While negative attitudes only hinder the process of each realization.

I love this quote:
“If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t If you like to win, but you think you can’t, It is almost certain you won’t.
“If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost, For out of the world we find, Success begins with a fellow’s will. Its all in the state of mind.
“If you think you are outclassed, you are, You’ve got to think high to rise, You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize.
“Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger of faster man, But soon or late the man who wins Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!”
― Walter D. Wintle

Remember, you are enough and you deserve to have love, abundance bliss and joy in your life. You can create it yourself; you just have to pay attention to all you feel, say, do and think.
Namaste ~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went thru a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: www.fromanotherealm.com