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Jun 19, 2024
Surrender 🧿 To The Divine Plan!
When we fully surrender to the Divine plan and let go of all expectations, that is when the real magic happens. We get disconnected with...

Sep 1, 2023
How to Change Negative Thinking Patterns?
Did you know we have up to 12,000- 60,000 thoughts a day? Out of all these thoughts; 95 % of these thoughts are repetitive and 80% are...

Dec 23, 2022
Life Is An Echo🪞
Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you....

Apr 7, 2020
How Does Intention Have the Power to Change Your Life?
Our intention creates our reality. By being purposeful about what we want to accomplish we create our reality. The intentions we set today..

Feb 4, 2020
Seeing Is Believing: The Power Of Visualization
The power of visualization works side by side with the law of attraction. When you visualize an image in your head consistently, it will...

Nov 18, 2019
7 Tips To Bring Spiritual Balance To Your Life!
In our current modern day busy life, it is imperative to find emotional and spiritual balance. Our world is filled with stress, anxiety...

Nov 17, 2019
How To Become Great At Manifesting Your Dreams?
To manifest your dream... it seems so simple, but for majority of us it's not as easy as it sounds. WE are ALWAYS creating our own reality..

Nov 6, 2019
What Is Numerology? How Does It Work?
Numerology is a study of numbers in your life. Thru using numerology you can learn about information about yourself, others and the world...

Oct 29, 2019
YOU Create Your Own Reality ✅
How do you see the world? How do you fit into the world? We need to carefully choose our perceptions on how we observe and allow ourselves..

Oct 24, 2019
The Universe Is A Mirror Reflection Of YOU!
The universe is set up to work on your behalf. Our world Gaia is not a uncaring or random expression; it's a living, breathing reflection...

Oct 23, 2019
How to Protect Yourself from Other People’s Negative Energy?
When you spend time with negative people, you know how quickly you can adsorb their negative mentality. Often times it happens...

Oct 21, 2019
How Does Negative Energy Affect Your Life?
Everything in the universe, including us: is made up of energy. Energy is all around us, in every person and in every room. Even though we..

Oct 17, 2019
"I AM": The Two Most Powerful Words You Can Use ✅
I AM. Are the most powerful words you can say. Why? Because the words "I AM" program your subconscious beliefs...

Sep 15, 2019
What Is Karma and How Does It Work?
Karma is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week teacher for us. All of our lessons are perfectly aligned to our spiritual needs and there is never...

Sep 12, 2019
Higher Consciousness Quotes ✅
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” ~Albert Einstein

Aug 29, 2019
What Is The Law Of Vibration?
The Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Everything in the universe, including us, is made up of energy...

Aug 28, 2019
What Are 6 Differences Between Spirituality and Religion?
In today's complex world, there are vast amounts of religions that preach that their story is the correct story. Spirituality on the...

Aug 19, 2019
8 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibrations!
Your ‘vibration’ is your overall state of being. High vibrations are positive energies and low vibrations are negative energies...

Aug 8, 2019
Everything In This Universe Is Energy ✅
Everything in the universe, including us, is made up of energy, not matter. Quantum physics Solid matter does not exist in the universe...

Oct 26, 2018
Suffering Is Not A Curse...
It has been said that the greatest souls awaken through hard times. I BELIEVE that. There are many parts of our lives and personalities...
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