Everything in the universe, including us, is made up of energy, not matter. I've wrote a simplified explanation of quantum physics and how much of what goes on around us in the world is beyond what our limited senses can perceive...but yet still exists.
Solid matter does not exist in the universe which was proved by quantum physics.
Since atoms are not solid, they have three different subatomic particles inside them including: electrons, protons and neutrons. The neutrons and protons are crammed together into the center of the atom, while the electrons speed around the outside. Since these electrons move so fast we never know exactly where they are.
The atoms that form substances and objects that we call solid, are in reality actually made u o 99.99999% space. Since everything is made of atoms which are energy, this concludes that everything in this universe is made up of energy. Energy is energy and everything is energy. The same energy that makes you is the same energy that composes plants, rocks, oceans, trees and the couch you are sitting on as well as the tablet, computer or phone you are using to read this blog post. It's all made of the same stuff: energy!
“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”~ Niels Bohr
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein
I hope that by reading this you now have a clearer understanding of how everything in this universe is energy, and you now know that YOU are energy too! This can empower your personal development, growth and transformation. I'd love to hear all about your experiences in the comments section below.
Going through a spiritual awakening?
During an awakening, it may be useful to have some professional guidance: someone who can confidently, patiently and without judgement help us, step by step through the healing process. If you are in need of someone to talk with about triggers, past trauma, childhood wounds or repressed emotions. I am available for online booking please contact me directly at: fromanotherealm@gmail.com
Face whatever is holding you back head on and it no longer has power over you, you have power over it! Awareness and anything can't co exist. Awareness is more powerful than your ego, your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is what gets you back home to your soul purpose.
You can use your pain and turn it into power. If you are willing to work on where your pain comes from, the lesson to be learned and turn your knowledge into action, you can use your suffering to turn you into a stronger and wiser person! I look forward to working with you on your spiritual journey.
Love & Light,
Namaste ~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went through a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: fromanotherealm@gmail.com
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