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Feb 24, 2020
Moving Into Parallel Universes
Parallel universes are all around you. You can't see them but they exist, similar to radio waves. Quantum physicists proves that parallel...

Oct 23, 2019
How to Protect Yourself from Other People’s Negative Energy?
When you spend time with negative people, you know how quickly you can adsorb their negative mentality. Often times it happens...

Oct 21, 2019
How Does Negative Energy Affect Your Life?
Everything in the universe, including us: is made up of energy. Energy is all around us, in every person and in every room. Even though we..

Aug 29, 2019
What Is The Law Of Vibration?
The Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Everything in the universe, including us, is made up of energy...

Aug 8, 2019
Everything In This Universe Is Energy ✅
Everything in the universe, including us, is made up of energy, not matter. Quantum physics Solid matter does not exist in the universe...

Jul 20, 2019
What Is Crystal Healing?
Did you know that crystals have been used as a source of healing power throughout history? Ancient cultures all over the world used...
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