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How To Become Great At Manifesting Your Dreams?

Writer's picture: fromanotherealm fromanotherealm

" You create your own reality and you do so because the thoughts that you are thinking cause you to emanate a vibrational frequency that the Law of Attraction is constantly responding to. And so, in all waking moments, you are creating your own point of attraction and everything that you experience is coming to you because of your vibrational emanation and the response of Law of Attraction to that vibration. It is as if you are standing on a sort of spinning vibrational disc and only things of the same vibration can join you on your disc. Your disc changes depending upon the thoughts that you are thinking and the emotions that you are feeling."
~ Abraham Hicks

To manifest your dream... it seems so simple, but for majority of us it's not as easy as it sounds. WE are ALWAYS creating our own reality, if you are aware of it or not. But How do you create a positive reality that works for us and with us?

Have a vision

Where do you wish to go? You have to start with clear direction on where you wish to go. When you have this solid vision on where you want to go, your mind will align your actions towards your goal.

Have a strong desire

Have a vision that triggers positive emotions like: bliss and joy every time that you think about it. These are the exact emotions that will help propel you to where you want to go. Dream and think big, it will help you to energize your vision to the max.

clear intention

Intention is the name of the game with conscious manifestation. You have to intend that your vision will happen. By being focused on what you want, you are giving a clear direction to what you desire. Where attention goes, energy flows- in this case you are commanding the energy on where it should go. All dreams need a certain amount of energy to manifest physically.

Have a strong belief

If you are subconsciously sabotaging your manifestations by not believing that you can have it. When you are lacking the belief that it can be yours then it CANNOT or WILL NOT manifest in you life. Your disbelief is blocking your manifestation. Even with a clear vision and strong desire you won't be able to manifest without believing 110% in it with your mind, body, heart and soul. The real question is why don’t you believe that it can be yours? You have to dig deep within yourself and psyche to find out what belief is holding you back and then work on changing it. Often times our "beliefs" are inherited from our parents, family, friends, society and conditioning. These beliefs aren't actually our own beliefs but what we have been taught and conditioned from a young age.


The next step of conscious manifestation is acceptance. You have to accept that it's already yours. You don't need to focus on reasons why it won't work out, you need to focus on reasons why it will work out! You need to surrender yourself to your desire and fully accept it in your life. Is this really what you want? Then accept that your wish is your command.

Align your actions with your goal

For example, if you want to take the summer off to travel the world then you will most likely need to save some money. By saving money for your travels you're showing the Universe that you are serious about it and are aligning yourself with realizing of your dream.

Have detachment

Most of us like to have control over things in our lives, because we have been taught or conditioned that if we can't control them then they won't happen. This isn't true and is why we need to let them go. When we are attached to an outcome and are obsessed about having it TODAY then we are commanding the Universe that we don't believe that we can have it. By letting go of the how and when, you show the Universe that you believe that it is already yours. You can afford to wait WHEN you are certain of an outcome.

Support yourself

The Universe is a mirror reflection of us. If you feel like the Universe has forgotten about you and your dreams, the Universe will. You need to emotionally, mentally and physically withdraw from your dreams to create them.

Be clear

Is there anything holding you back from believing or focusing on your goal?

This will stop you from manifesting your desire. If we instead decide with all our focus and will then we can change an unwanted outcome into something what we want instead.

I hope this post helps you understand how YOU are the creator of your own reality! May all that you desire gracefully flow to you! Sending you love and light.

Going through a spiritual awakening?

During an awakening, it may be useful to have some professional guidance: someone who can confidently, patiently and without judgement help us, step by step through the healing process. If you are in need of someone to talk with about triggers, past trauma, childhood wounds or repressed emotions. I am available for online booking please contact me directly at:

Face whatever is holding you back head on and it no longer has power over you, you have power over it! Awareness and anything can't co exist. Awareness is more powerful than your ego, your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is what gets you back home to your soul purpose.

You can use your pain and turn it into power. If you are willing to work on where your pain comes from, the lesson to be learned and turn your knowledge into action, you can use your suffering to turn you into a stronger and wiser person! I look forward to working with you on your spiritual journey.

Love & Light,

Namaste ~ Paulina

Hello, my name is Paulina. I went through a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me:



From Another Realm ©


Vancouver Island, British Columbia

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