When we incarnate in this world we have our own assignments that our soul has set up for us our soul contracts. Along on our journey we have spirit guides, angels, and guardian angels watching over us to make sure we don't drift too far from our highest good. Remember there are no coincidences in life: everything happens for a reason. You need to pay attention to repeat patterns and be open to synchronicities that are happening on a daily basis. Your spirit guides use synchronicities to connect with you, it's up to you to pay attention.
Below are 7 signs your spirit guide is trying to contact you.
Dream state is used by the spirit world to convey messages as this in one of their favorite tools. They can easily send you messages through dreams and storytelling. I suggest keeping a journal to track your dreams. I get a lot of my downloads thru dreams so I always make sure to write down what I remember in detail as soon as I wake up. Write down things like: feelings, sensations, impressions, specific messages, and anything else that you experience. Don't judge or analyze it, just write it down. What transpired might not make sense to you at first but that doesn't mean it won't in the future. This is why writing down as much as you can remember is so important. If you have a specific question for your spirit guide, I would recommend writing it out in your journal before you go to sleep.
“When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams aligned with your individual gifts you will be cloaked in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel.” ~ Charles F. Glassman
Have you ever taken pictures or videos and seen flashes of light or orbs? This is your spirit guides making it known that they are nearby so you don't feel alone. Your spirit guide wants you to know what things are working out in the right order and to trust in the process. These orbs come in a variety of colors and sizes. You might not be able to see what the camera captures with the naked eye because:
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." ~ Robertson Davies
Have you ever read something that brought you to tears? Your spirit guide may use writing to get a clear message to you since words are powerful. Have you ever asked a question only to see a billboard sign or a newspaper headline with your answer? Words are the greatest source of communication as they force you to stop and be in the present "now" and recollect.
“Your Spirit Guides and Angels will never let you down as you build a rapport with them. In the end, they may be the only ones who don't let you down.” ~ Linda Deir
Your spirit guide will speak to you using lyrics in music as they know this is a way to reach your heart quickly. Did you know that music is the highest frequency we can reach in this dimension? Because of this, it will bring up emotions and answer your desires. When you hear a certain lyric that applies to your calling, please know that this is your spirit guide confirming your wishes. They want you to know that they are near you and they hear you.
"Music is the universal language of mankind." ~ Henry Longfellow
Your spirit guide will use touch as a nurturing way to let you know you are always loved, never alone on this journey and that someone is always watching over you. When you are experiencing moments of desperation and sorrow, your spirit guide may caress or lightly touch you. When you are in danger, you may feel a tug or push in the right direction. If you want to connect with your spirit guides more, a good way to do so is through daily meditation and prayer. You have to be willing to accept their presence and always be grateful for the divine intervention.
Special scents
Have you ever been walking and suddenly you smell roses or blossoms? Your spirit guide will use aromas to get your attention. They will also use scents from your childhood memories. It is important that during these times you are mindful of what's going on in your current reality: what messages are they sending to you? Do you need to focus on letting go, move a new direction in life, make a decision or trust in guidance greater than yourself?
Pennies and dimes
Have you ever found pennies and dimes in the most unusual places? You may find a dime at the beach in the sand, or inside a jacket pocket of a coat you haven't worn in a while.
These are left by your spirit guides to cheer you up, when you are sad or depressed. Think of these monetary trinkets as a token of their love for you.
Going through a spiritual awakening?
During an awakening, it may be useful to have some professional guidance: someone who can confidently, patiently and without judgement help us, step by step through the healing process. If you are in need of someone to talk with about triggers, past trauma, childhood wounds or repressed emotions. I am available for online booking please contact me directly at: fromanotherealm@gmail.com
Face whatever is holding you back head on and it no longer has power over you, you have power over it! Awareness and anything can't co exist. Awareness is more powerful than your ego, your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is what gets you back home to your soul purpose.
You can use your pain and turn it into power. If you are willing to work on where your pain comes from, the lesson to be learned and turn your knowledge into action, you can use your suffering to turn you into a stronger and wiser person! I look forward to working with you on your spiritual journey.
Love & Light,
Namaste ~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went through a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: fromanotherealm@gmail.com
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