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Jul 25, 2020
What Is The Goal Of Meditation?
The true goal of meditation: to tune our minds away from the clutter of thought that frequently occupies our mind and get in synch with...

May 15, 2020
Going Through A Spiritual Awakening?
Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but..

Mar 12, 2020
Why Is Gratitude So Powerful?
In spirituality, gratitude is considered the gateway to bliss. Gratitude is good for your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual...

Feb 4, 2020
Seeing Is Believing: The Power Of Visualization
The power of visualization works side by side with the law of attraction. When you visualize an image in your head consistently, it will...

Jan 31, 2020
8 Meditation Techniques That Cultivate Mindfulness ✅
Mindfulness is being fully present and engaged with that you are doing at the moment. It involves being free from judgement, distraction...

Jan 22, 2020
What Is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding...

Nov 18, 2019
7 Tips To Bring Spiritual Balance To Your Life!
In our current modern day busy life, it is imperative to find emotional and spiritual balance. Our world is filled with stress, anxiety...

Nov 9, 2019
Get Ready: Extremely Powerful 11:11 Portal Is Coming!
November 11, 2019: will be one of the most magical days of the year because of the spiritual significance of 11/11 in numerology...

Aug 19, 2019
8 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibrations!
Your ‘vibration’ is your overall state of being. High vibrations are positive energies and low vibrations are negative energies...

May 29, 2019
How Has My Life Changed After My Spiritual Awakening?
Well to sum it up, what hasn't changed! I would say everything changed and the old Paulina died when my ego died and the new improved...

May 27, 2019
Ego VS Spirit?
What is an ego? The ego is our sense of self and “I” Taoists call the ego the lower soul because it believes it’s in charge...

Mar 14, 2019
10 Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening
Please note, it is possible that you may experience all of these, one of these or none of these as every person and situation differs...

Oct 26, 2018
Suffering Is Not A Curse...
It has been said that the greatest souls awaken through hard times. I BELIEVE that. There are many parts of our lives and personalities...
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