Well to sum it up, what hasn't changed! I would say everything changed and the old Paulina died when my ego died and the new improved Paulina was born.
Lifestyle changes:
After my spiritual awakening my whole lifestyle changed. From my eating to drinking habits and everything in between. I didn't realize it then but I did not love or respect myself or my body. I know set firm boundaries in place with people, places and things. People who no longer serve a purpose in my life are simply not included into my new life. I steer clear of negative, toxic people who are primary driven by their egos. Only positive people connected with their higher souls who help lift others up are included in my life. This applies for everyone: family, friends, peers, elders. I've cut out many toxic people out of my life including my abusive narcissistic Mother & Father. I also realize I didn't have anything in common with my "friends" as soon as I cut alcohol and drugs out of my life. Most of my friends were "party friends" without deep rooted connections.
Food & Drink Changes:
I know see my body as a temple. I nourish it and provide it with love and healthy foods & drinks that I use as fuel. My body is no longer a garbarator and I limit what can and can't go in my body. I only eat fresh organic fruits, vegetables and grains. I don't eat or drink anything that has toxins, chemicals, pesticides or genetically modified indigence. I've been a vegetarian for the last 2 year's, I love animals and do not support inhumane factory farming. I don't eat or drink sugar as if is genetically modified. I don't consume any alcohol or drugs as I see them as poison to my mind, body & spirit.
Living In Solitude:
I know like to spend most of my time alone surrounded by nature. As an empath, I absorb other people's emotions and physical alignments as my own. I've always been an empath, but I didn't even realize it until after my spiritual awakening. Also it's all I've ever known, I though that everyone felt the same way as me. As an empath I'm very sensitive to other people's energies, moods, words etc. I have to be extra careful who I let in my life on a daily basis.
Increased Altruism:
I've given away my car, clothes, personal possessions. I no longer identify with these things because I see them for what they really are: just things. Things don't make you happy. You have to find that happiness within yourself. I get great pleasure from giving away my things, my time and my services. It's like the best high you could ever experience but in a service to other's positive way! I am a firm believer that the more you give the more you get! The Universe/ God rewards you with the right situations, circumstance, people, places and things.
Eliminated Media:
I don't watch the news, read the paper or listen to the radio. All of these instill fear instead of love. I've limited my TV consumption down to an hour or movie a day. For music I listen to high vibration frequencies like 432 Hz music without lyrics only. I've taken long breaks from any social media use: last year 3 months off; this year I took half a year off already. I don't associate myself with @sheispaulina anymore but I do realize that God gave me this platform to help inspire my brothers and sisters to be their best version of themselves so this is why I'm back. I'm not using it for vanity reasons more to help inspire others that a leopard can change their spots: just look at me & my journey you can see how far I've come!
#spirituality #love #spiritual #spiritualawakening #consciousness #healing #peace #motivation #inspiration #awakening #god #enlightenment #wisdom #energy #soul #meditation #selflove #mindfulness #lawofattraction #universe #faith #positivevibes #religion #nature #soulmission #servicetoothers #unity #shaman #energyhealing #universe