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Dec 23, 2022
Life Is An Echo🪞
Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you....

Nov 26, 2022
What Is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a sought out revolutionary treatment alternative to traditional medicine. It offers healing from...

May 21, 2020
World 🌎 Meditation Day
Humanity will rise & unite together for the world's largest meditation & prayer in history. Science has shown that when people come...

Apr 21, 2020
World Earth Day 🌎 2020 Mass Meditation
This mass meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to completely heal the global human..

Apr 19, 2020
Energy Update: Schumann Resonance 110 HZ Spike ✅
For the last two days there have been Schumann resonance spikes reaching a peak of 110 HZ yesterday and 88 HZ today. The average has been...

Apr 14, 2020
The Consciousness Shift | 2020
Have you heard of the 5th dimension? Currently we are experiencing the great awakening of humanity which is a 5th dimensional shift. This...

Mar 5, 2020
The Eyes Look, But The Brain Sees!
A paradigm is a lens through which we see the world. Every person views the world differently, and can view the same thing in a completely..

Feb 24, 2020
Moving Into Parallel Universes
Parallel universes are all around you. You can't see them but they exist, similar to radio waves. Quantum physicists proves that parallel...

Jan 31, 2020
8 Meditation Techniques That Cultivate Mindfulness ✅
Mindfulness is being fully present and engaged with that you are doing at the moment. It involves being free from judgement, distraction...

Jan 21, 2020
8 Ways To Cleanse Your Aura!
Auras are everywhere - around humans, animals, plants and non living objects like: water, air, crystals, stones, metals and fire. Auras...

Jan 18, 2020
What Is An Aura + How To Read & See Aura Energy?
Everything is energy, it is all around us, in us and is always moving and changing. Our aura is energy and it emits different frequencies...

Dec 7, 2019
Schumann Resonance: 158 Hz Spike ✅
Energy update: strong Schumann resonance on December 6, 2019, a spike going up to 156 HZ, this is the highest ever recorded Schumann...

Dec 3, 2019
Unconditional Love Vs Conditional Love?
Love – is used frequently in every language to describe emotions ranging from "I love your outfit," to "I love you."
Is there really a...

Oct 24, 2019
The Universe Is A Mirror Reflection Of YOU!
The universe is set up to work on your behalf. Our world Gaia is not a uncaring or random expression; it's a living, breathing reflection...

Oct 17, 2019
"I AM": The Two Most Powerful Words You Can Use ✅
I AM. Are the most powerful words you can say. Why? Because the words "I AM" program your subconscious beliefs...

Sep 17, 2019
7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy
There are no universal stages of alchemy as every soul experience is different, I've complied a list of stages I've personally gone thru...

Sep 3, 2019
What Is A Kundalini Awakening?
A full on kundalini awakening experience involves a surge of energy coming from muladhara to the back of the spine, moving to the head...

Aug 19, 2019
8 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibrations!
Your ‘vibration’ is your overall state of being. High vibrations are positive energies and low vibrations are negative energies...

Aug 7, 2019
The 8-8-2019 Lions Gate Activations!
The 8-8-2019 Lionsgate Activation Since the July 31st Black Moon, we have all been feeling huge shifts in energy...

Jul 25, 2019
What Crystals Should You Use?
I've included a crystal guide below to help you get started with crystals to use for which problems and situations. I would recommend you...
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