Everything is energy, it is all around us, in us and is always moving and changing. Our aura is energy and it emits different frequencies. Often referred to as Chi, Ka, Prana and other names. An aura is a vibration of energy that surrounds living and non living matter. It can be seen as a solid color or layers of colors that can appear within a two to three foot radius around a person, particularly around the head.
Auras are everywhere - around humans, animals, plants and non living objects like: water, air, crystals, stones, metals and fire. Auras don't change unless they are altered by conscious human intent. Essentially when you are readying an aura, you are reading the energy vibration field around the matter.
1. Take a walk in the rain
Give yourself a rainwater cleanse. Living in the present "now" and forget where you are, who you need to be and what you have to do. Doing this allows nature to bathe your aura and neutralize any dense, harmful or negative energies that you have absorbed. Imagine the worries and stresses dripping off you as water droplets as you feel the rain cleanse your skin.

2. Connect to nature
Earthing, also known as grounding connects to earth’s electrical energy promotes physical well-being. Earthing connects the electrical frequencies of the human body with the earth for example: walking barefoot on the grass, rocks, dirt or sand. Similar to the sun, the earth is a source of energy that contributes to optimum health for humans.
Research has shown that connecting to the earths natural energy can diminish stress, anxiety, negative emotions, chronic pain, fatigue and other aliments. When you walk bare feet your skin comes into contact with earth and free electrons are absorbed into the body. These electrons are nature's natural antioxidants and help to neutralize diseases and inflammation in the body.

Smudging is an ancient practice that helps to clear and eliminate low vibrations that are stuck. I personally smudge my body and home on a daily basis and it not only feels better but smells better too!
The practice of burning sacred herbs has been used for thousands of years by our ancestors. Smudging is the best method to energetically cleanse a space or your aura. The sacred smoke not only raises our vibrations but helps to assist with magic and manifestations that has been used for millennia. If you feel that your aura is clogged with low negative vibrations, you can use smoke from herbs that have healing properties like: lemongrass, palo santo or sage.

4. Get outside!
Get outside on a daily basis. I personally feel much better and more balanced when i'm outside with the elemental energies of the: sun, fresh air, trees, flowers, mountains, ocean, lakes, rivers and the earth. I would recommend you get active outside daily: walking, biking, hiking, running, rollerblading, dancing whatever puts you into a happy frame of mind. The happier you feel the easier it will be to attract happy experiences into your life. It's also effective to own pets and have plants and flowers filled in our living environments which contribute to making us feel more connected to nature and refreshed.

5. Wash it Off
I recommend that you take a shower or cleansing bath if you feel physically and mentally drained from negativity. When you do this you are physically washing away the negative energy, while relaxing yourself at the same time. It's a win- win. I like to take himalayan sea salt baths that help me feel cleansed of negative energy in my body. I put in a cup of sea salt, light candles and listen you high vibration meditation music before bed. This promotes a restful night's sleep and I wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed.

One of the easiest and quickest way to cleanse your aura is to recite a positive or uplifting mantra. Once you select a mantra, then recite it out loud. Make sure to feel the message vibrating through your entire body. It's more important that you “feel” the mantra in your body then say it. For it to take affect, you may have to repeat the mantra a few times over the course of a few days. You can also write out your mantra on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow.

7. Reevaluate Your Social Circle
Connecting with like-minded people and finding your "tribe" does wonders for your emotional, mental and spiritual health. You need to identify people in your life that are constantly dragging you down and getting in the way of your balance. Often times these people are always complaining about their lives and are wasting it away on alcohol and drugs. It's hard to have a positive life surrounded by negative people. If you feel more balanced, in sync and calmer being away from them then I would highly recommend you keep them at bay or completely eliminate them from your life. By doing this you are respecting you energy, space and time by placing boundaries.

8. Surround yourself with sunlight
Spend as much time out in the sunshine. Sunlight is known to feed, nurture and expand the aura. This makes you feel happier, joyful, more energetic and positive. Get outside and play in the sunshine!
When your aura is shining bright, you look and feel more radiant. It also helps you feel more aligned with your soul and helps you manifest your dreams. When you weed out things that don't serve a purpose in your life, you are moving towards finding things that do. When you make appropriate changes in your life, you make room for new and better experiences.

Namaste ~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went thru a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: www.fromanotherealm.com