I think everyone should smudge their space on a daily basis. Why?
Because energy is real, and it vibrates at different frequencies. There are low and high vibration energies. We often feel better when we surround ourselves with high vibrations.
Smudging is an ancient practice that helps to clear and eliminate low vibrations that are stuck. I personally smudge my home on a daily basis and it not only feels better but smells better too!
Before doing meditation, yoga or rituals I purify my space to clear the energies.
The goal is to vibrate at a higher frequency in order to make yourself feel better. By doing activities such as: meditation, grounding, sungazing, yoga, connecting with nature, listening to high vibrational music, eating raw organic foods, yoga, using crystals and being service to others you automatically vibrate at a higher frequency. The last thing I want is my home to be filled with dense, heavy energies of the world.
The practice of burning sacred herbs has been used for thousands of years by our ancestors. Smudging is the best method to energetically cleanse a space. The sacred smoke not only raises our vibrations but helps to assist with magic and manifestations that has been used for millennia.
So what are the sacred herbs you can you use to smudge with?
Rosemary is very soothing and encourages a sense of peace within your environment.
Because of this, rosemary also removes negative energy from places and spaces. It is common for rosemary to be added into a mix with sage.
Sage smoke is used to cleanse, heal, bless and remove negativity from a person or object being cleansed. There are many types and scents of sage making it unique.
Lemongrass is used for cleansing and for purifying. It has an amazing energizing scent as well which is refreshing and encourages focus and clarity.
Pine is an excellent herb used for protection and cleansing. Pine is associated with prosperity and good health like all evergreens. The pine needles are traditionally used to bless a new home. Pine stands for self-confidence, persistence, moderation.
Cinnamon is known for increasing motivation and energy and aids in healing. If you have a cold or flu burning cinnamon is a great option as the essential oils in cinnamon help soothe, relax and can make you feel better.
Bay leaves have aromatic essential oil and are known to work as a mood booster. The Bay leaf has multiple uses from healing, calming, success, protection and help aid anxiety.
Burning lavender helps encourage a restful night's sleep, happiness, peace of mind and relaxation. The scent increases as you burn the lavender petals and stems making it a unique cleaning tool.
Peppermint is simply refreshing and soothing. Spiritual benefits o mint includes: healing, love, sleep, purification and psychic powers. The aroma of peppermint is also known to enhance memory.
We all know that cats find catnip as a therapeutic herb. It also works as a therapeutic herb for smudging and cleansing. Traditionally, catnip was burned for beauty, happieness, and love within the home or sacred space.
Dried herbs are generally more potent and concentrated than fresh herbs, a little go,es a long way. Basil has many benefits which includes bringing about peace, steadies the mind and happiness within your sacred space.
Before you start smudging I would recommend you fully dry the bundle before burning it. You can do this by hanging it upside down for a few days after you’ve made the bundle.
Give it a try... what do you have to loose? I'd love to hear all about your experiences in the comments below!
Namaste ~ Paulina