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Mar 23, 2020
35 Inspirational Ego Quotes!
Ego is the way that Spirit experiences reality, uniqueness of perception and expression of self. The main reason to not be attached to...

Mar 10, 2020
What Is The Spiritual Purpose Of An Ego?
Ego is the way that Spirit experiences reality, uniqueness of perception and expression of self. The main reason to not be attached to...

Feb 29, 2020
20 Signs You're Becoming Your Higher Self?
Our Higher Selves are whole, liberated, all knowing, wise and unconditionally loving centers. They are our most authentic state of being...

Feb 24, 2020
Moving Into Parallel Universes
Parallel universes are all around you. You can't see them but they exist, similar to radio waves. Quantum physicists proves that parallel...

Feb 21, 2020
Your Higher Self Vs Your Soul?
Your Higher Self is your highest aspect that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that understands, sees...

Dec 3, 2019
Unconditional Love Vs Conditional Love?
Love – is used frequently in every language to describe emotions ranging from "I love your outfit," to "I love you."
Is there really a...

Nov 15, 2019
What Do Synchronicities Mean?
Synchronicities are situations, circumstances, events, people that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher levels...

Nov 1, 2019
We Teach Other People How to Treat Us:The Secret of Self-Respect?
We teach other people how to treat us. We can take responsibility for our part in any abuse we are receiving from others. This way we can...

Sep 15, 2019
What Is Karma and How Does It Work?
Karma is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week teacher for us. All of our lessons are perfectly aligned to our spiritual needs and there is never...

Sep 12, 2019
Higher Consciousness Quotes ✅
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” ~Albert Einstein

Sep 11, 2019
What Is Higher Consciousness and How Can We Access It?
When you operate from your higher consciousnesses, you are working from outside of lower consciousness or your "ego self". When we are...

Aug 16, 2019
Are You A Lightworker? 20 Signs!
What is a lightworker? A lightworker is a person gifted with psychic ability that makes them understand what other people are feeling...

Aug 12, 2019
How To Open Your Third Eye?
Often called the 'third eye,' the pineal gland is a small gland in the center of the brain. This gland creates melatonin, which plays a...

Aug 5, 2019
What Are Lightworkers and What Do They Do?
Did you know that music influences the way we feel? I'm sure you have experienced an emotional shift while listening to music; it can make..

Jun 5, 2019
30 Ways To Raise Your Vibrations:
How to raise your vibrations? 1) Lift up others 2) Get outside in nature daily 3) Meditate everyday 4) Exercise regularly 5) Do yoga daily

Jun 3, 2019
What Is A Spiritual Healer & Teacher?
Spiritual healing is a path of transformation, a journey that connects the heart, mind and body to free the soul. A spiritual healing...

May 30, 2019
How To Recharge Your Batteries As An Empath?
How To Recharge Your Batteries As An Empath?
- Get outside in nature
- Spend time alone
- Drink herbal teas
- Meditate everyday

May 29, 2019
What Are 10 Traits Of An Empath?
I am an empath myself and can tell you that the trademark of an empath is that they absorb & feel other people’s emotions and/or physical...

May 29, 2019
What Is An Empath?
As an empath myself I can tell you that we are are highly sensitive, emotional finely tuned individuals. They feel everything and anything..

May 27, 2019
Ego VS Spirit?
What is an ego? The ego is our sense of self and “I” Taoists call the ego the lower soul because it believes it’s in charge...
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