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  • Writer's picturefromanotherealm

How To Recharge Your Batteries As An Empath?

- Get outside in nature - Spend time alone - Drink herbal teas - Meditate everyday - Exercise regularly - Do yoga daily - Baths ( I recommend Himalayan sea salt to cleanse your auric field) - Stay away from negativity: including negative people - Avoid listening or watching anything fear based - Avoid toxic people and energy vampires - Earthing - Sungazing - Take cleaning showers - Eat organic fresh foods & drinks - Become plant based - Surround yourself with animals - Eat & drink high vibration foods - Listen to high vibration music ( I recommend 432 Hz music without lyrics) - Go to the beach - Go swimming: salt or fresh water - Avoid media: including social media, news, radio or paper - Get outside daily to exercise: hiking, biking, rollerblading, running & walking to get the energy moving thru you - Go into the forest - Avoid caffeine, alcohol or drugs - Live in the present - Read Spirituality books

- Use crystals at home to protect your energies

- Wear high vibration crystals

- Smudging your home with sage, bay leaves, rosemary

Do you have any other suggestions I missed in this list? If so drop them in the comments below.



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