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Oct 13, 2019
Eternal Life & Reincarnation
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our souls posses eternal life and reincarnation cycles. Each time we incarnate on Earth..

Sep 29, 2019
How to Activate The Divine Feminine Within?
The Divine Feminine energy is on the rise! The world has been led by masculine based energies like...

Sep 28, 2019
Goddess Rising: Awakening The Divine Feminine
She is an ancient voice who sings the song of creation. She brings the divine spark into being from the infinite realms...

Sep 27, 2019
Connecting To The Collective Consciousness
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Sep 18, 2019
What Is Your Shadow Self?
Your "shadow" is the side of your personality containing parts of yourself that you don't want to admit to having. It's our unconscious...

Sep 17, 2019
7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy
There are no universal stages of alchemy as every soul experience is different, I've complied a list of stages I've personally gone thru...

Sep 15, 2019
What Is Karma and How Does It Work?
Karma is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week teacher for us. All of our lessons are perfectly aligned to our spiritual needs and there is never...

Sep 12, 2019
Higher Consciousness Quotes ✅
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” ~Albert Einstein

Sep 11, 2019
What Is Higher Consciousness and How Can We Access It?
When you operate from your higher consciousnesses, you are working from outside of lower consciousness or your "ego self". When we are...

Sep 4, 2019
Sensuality VS Sexuality: Restoring Balance in a Sex Obsessed Culture!
Sensuality is different than sexuality, and it is an important distinction. Sensuality and sexuality are often lumped into the same...

Aug 30, 2019
The 7 Chakras For Beginners
There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head that are the...

Aug 12, 2019
How To Open Your Third Eye?
Often called the 'third eye,' the pineal gland is a small gland in the center of the brain. This gland creates melatonin, which plays a...

Jun 9, 2019
What Is A Dark Night Of The Soul?
The dark night of the soul is a spiritual depression, which requires a deep and painful plunge into your past before enlightenment...

May 29, 2019
How Has My Life Changed After My Spiritual Awakening?
Well to sum it up, what hasn't changed! I would say everything changed and the old Paulina died when my ego died and the new improved...

May 27, 2019
Ego VS Spirit?
What is an ego? The ego is our sense of self and “I” Taoists call the ego the lower soul because it believes it’s in charge...
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