We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our souls posses eternal life and reincarnation cycles. Each time we incarnate on Earth, we have an important purpose and mission.
“A large proportion of human suffering occurs because people think they only live once. When they become fully aware that the present life is only one point in the eternal flow of time, and that they have lived in the past and will live again in the future, they will understand that their future lives will depend on their present life and also that they can choose what kind of life they will live in the future.” ~The Essence of Buddha
The real home of our soul is the Spirit World. Earth is a training ground for souls for learning spiritual lessons. Each time we reincarnate on Earth, we experience different realities and perspectives to cultivate ourselves in an infinite directions.
When our souls left their divine origin to gain some experience in the material word (earth), it was clear that the souls would eventually return back to their divine origin. This is why all of our souls have a strong desire to return back to where they originally came from, which is their original divine state of consciousness. This is only possible when the souls have reached a state if wholeness within themselves: unconditional love, bliss, self honesty, self respect, humbleness, modesty, unity consciousness.
Through previous incarnations in the material world, unity consciousness has been partially unlearned and replaces with: power, fame, fortune, financial wealth and selfishness. If the soul has not reached their divine state in this lifetime, the soul will again reincarnate (rebirth) on earth to continue its education. Unity consciousness that have been unlearned on Earth can be retained with spiritual growth and discovery.
I would describe Earth as a training ground for souls to regain personalty traits like: unconditional love, bliss, self honesty, self respect, humbleness, modesty, unity consciousness. Everyone we meet in our lives like our family, friends, peers, acquaintances, and "coincidental encounters" are our training partners for the souls on their way back to the divine origin.
This is kept vague deliberately, because this is hard to comprehend for incarnated beings and it's up to them to do their own spiritual growth and discovery to get to this place in their lives. These concepts are difficult to understand even scientifically or intellectually and loosing our connection to other realms is all part of the greater plan.
Wrong developments
Globally, the development of the human soul is failing on a mass level. Instead of developing traits like: unconditional love, bliss, self honesty, self respect, humbleness, modesty, unity consciousness opposed traits like: egoism, power over others, authority and greed are being further developed and reinforced. Unfortunately, this is affecting the mass majority of souls that are deviating thru this behavior more and more from their divine blueprint.
I believe this is because of the elite who are trying to stay in control using manipulation tactics like mass media mind control with phone usage, social media, media, advertising, marketing, TV, movies, celebrities, music, news, religions. Our currently society is blasted with these tactics on a daily basis, and it's hard to get away from them and their control over us. These souls that are stuck in the reincarnation cycle, have few alternatives left other than to reincarnate over and over again, often in similar situations learning similar lessons they didn't learn right in previous incarnation.
Why human beings lose memories of past lives?
Every time the soul reincarnates as a human on earth, it looses memories of past lives and experiences. Why? Because this is necessary to start over at ground zero and acquire a new personality and traits. After several decades of experiencing life on earth, the physical body dies and the soul returns to the Spirit World.
I would recommend that you use your own inner knowing, guidance and intuition to come to your own conclusion about reincarnation. Don't let anyone (even me) to persuade you into what your soul already knows. When you have found out that the true meaning of life isn't: fame, fortune, power, greed, egoism and materialism but developing personal traits like: unconditional love, bliss, self honesty, self respect, humbleness, modesty, unity consciousness - then it's time to act accordingly. Draw from your own life experiences. Take advantage of this incarnation. This is your life and it's all about YOU!
Namaste ~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went thru a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: www.fromanotherealm.com