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Nov 4, 2020
Sun ☀️ Gazing | How to Sungaze | Sungazing Benefits?
SUN- GAZING is exactly what it says: gazing at the sun. An activity to look at the sun during sunrise or sunset to soak up the energy...

Oct 9, 2020
The 10:10 Portal ~ New Beginnings
2020 has sure been a powerful year for the collective. There is still a lot of work to do as we wrap the year up. As we prepare for 2021...

Sep 13, 2020
Let Your Triggers Be Your Teacher
Triggers make us human. They happen to us in our day to day lives at work, in relationships, and in interactions with complete strangers...

Jul 25, 2020
What Is The Goal Of Meditation?
The true goal of meditation: to tune our minds away from the clutter of thought that frequently occupies our mind and get in synch with...

May 15, 2020
Going Through A Spiritual Awakening?
Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but..

May 7, 2020
All Healing Is Self Healing...
The sooner we heal our traumas, the sooner we liberate ourselves from the people who hurt us. By hating them, we hold onto them. We cannot..

Apr 21, 2020
World Earth Day 🌎 2020 Mass Meditation
This mass meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to completely heal the global human..

Apr 18, 2020
Are You Shifting To A Higher Level Of Consciousness?
Your entire life and lifestyle change as you shift to a higher level of consciousness. Embrace your growth and the changes that they bring..

Apr 14, 2020
The Consciousness Shift | 2020
Have you heard of the 5th dimension? Currently we are experiencing the great awakening of humanity which is a 5th dimensional shift. This...

Apr 12, 2020
Out Of The Shadows?
The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading...

Apr 4, 2020
4:4:4 Global Peace Mass Meditation
This mass meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to completely heal the global human..

Apr 3, 2020
The Great Awakening Of Humanity Has Started!
It's true, we are at the biggest awakening of humanity in human history. With the great pandemic happening now with the coronavirus is...

Mar 23, 2020
35 Inspirational Ego Quotes!
Ego is the way that Spirit experiences reality, uniqueness of perception and expression of self. The main reason to not be attached to...

Mar 21, 2020
How To Tell If A Relationship Is Twin Flame, Soulmate Or Karmic?
It is important to remember that we all need self love more than we need any relationship. You have to first find love within yourself...

Mar 11, 2020
35 Motivating Mindfulness Quotes to Energize Your Life!
Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding...

Mar 10, 2020
What Is The Spiritual Purpose Of An Ego?
Ego is the way that Spirit experiences reality, uniqueness of perception and expression of self. The main reason to not be attached to...

Feb 29, 2020
20 Signs You're Becoming Your Higher Self?
Our Higher Selves are whole, liberated, all knowing, wise and unconditionally loving centers. They are our most authentic state of being...

Feb 21, 2020
Your Higher Self Vs Your Soul?
Your Higher Self is your highest aspect that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that understands, sees...

Feb 16, 2020
How To Turn Your Pain Into Positive Growth
During our lifetimes, we all experience pain. Disappointment, loss and heartache are all part of the human condition. It can be hard to...

Feb 13, 2020
Meditation 101: Techniques, Benefits & How To Meditate?
Meditation is simply embracing whatever is happening in the present moment. It's important to note that meditation isn't analyzing your...
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