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Oct 13, 2019
Eternal Life & Reincarnation
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our souls posses eternal life and reincarnation cycles. Each time we incarnate on Earth..

Oct 10, 2019
The Spiritual Significance of 10/10
October 10th 2019 (10/10) unlocks a powerful gateway of energy that encourages us to take steps in a new direction. This year has been...

Oct 5, 2019
Shadow Self: How to Embrace Your Inner Darkness
"Beneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad, or isolated part that we generally..."

Sep 18, 2019
What Is Your Shadow Self?
Your "shadow" is the side of your personality containing parts of yourself that you don't want to admit to having. It's our unconscious...

Sep 15, 2019
What Is Karma and How Does It Work?
Karma is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week teacher for us. All of our lessons are perfectly aligned to our spiritual needs and there is never...

Sep 12, 2019
Higher Consciousness Quotes ✅
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” ~Albert Einstein

Aug 28, 2019
What Are 6 Differences Between Spirituality and Religion?
In today's complex world, there are vast amounts of religions that preach that their story is the correct story. Spirituality on the...

Aug 20, 2019
Understanding Altruism: Self and Other Concerns
Altruism refers to any behavior that is designed to increase another's well being. People often behave altruistically when they see...

Aug 7, 2019
The 8-8-2019 Lions Gate Activations!
The 8-8-2019 Lionsgate Activation Since the July 31st Black Moon, we have all been feeling huge shifts in energy...

Jul 29, 2019
What Is My Spirit Animal?
Spirit animals are all around us – it's up to us to notice them and believe in their powers. It's a sign from the universe when...
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