Spirit animals are all around us – it's up to us to notice them and believe in their powers. It's a sign from the universe when a particular animal crosses your path. If we are open enough to listen; animals teach, guide, and communicate with us.
When the same animal keeps popping up in our lives over and over again, they are meant to teach us something about ourselves and our journey. For example when you see a specific or even rare breed of animal that's a spirit animal wanting to get noticed. Learning how to become aware of each animal that crosses your path at a specific time in your life is not hard, you just have to stop and be present in the moment to do so.
If you've ever been walking around and noticed an unusual animal in your path and thought well that's weird? There is a deeper meaning to these unique interaction that made us pause and wonder.
If we are open enough to listen; animals teach, guide, and communicate with us.
It's most likely a spirit animal when an animal crosses your path and you stop and think "how weird". If you take the time to consider the meaning behind this interaction it often sheds light on an area of your life that you are currently questioning.
There is an entire world of particular spirit animals that are meant to guide and help us on our journey. These spirit animals are specifically assigned to us and are meant to give us guidance, comfort, hope, strength, love and compassion. Spirit animals come in all forms and sizes ranging from insects, reptiles, mammals and much more.
Common Spirit Animals and What They Mean:
Have you encountered a spirit animal recently? The spirit animals interpretation below can help you determine their purpose for crossing your path...
The Spider

Spiders come into our lives to help teach you that you create the life you want to live. They are known for their patience as they create intricate webs that capture their prey, which is a lengthy process. Spiders are here to tell us that it's time to start building the life you want.
If the spider is your guide, it's time to be patient with yourself. Achievements, projects, careers, relationships all take time. The magic is in the journey, not the end result! Imagine yourself like the spider weaving a web of life that you want to create for yourself. Patiently wait for the fruits of your harvest to become a reality.
The Owl

One of the most rare spirit animals is the owl. It's a true sign from the universe when you cross paths with an owl, especially during the day. The owl represents intuitive knowledge, wisdom, and a connection with other realms.
If you are at a time in your life exploring the unknown or embarking on a new journey, the owl guide comes to you.
The owl spirit animal uses it's intuition to see what others can't see. They have the capacity to see beyond the illusion and deceit. When the owl is in your life, you are able to see beyond the prison of your mind.
The Grasshopper

Grasshoppers are very innovative and don't miss any opportunities to move forward in life. When they enter your life, you are being asked to take a leap of faith into the unknown.
Grasshoppers are good omens that carry good luck. They are message carriers, that's why they are always on the move! If you are struggling with a choice it's time to move forward confidently with your decision as the outcome will work out in your favor.
The Eagle

Eagles come into our lives to remind us to listen to our hearts and intuition vs our rational minds. They are signs from the universe that it's time to reconnect with your spiritual path and journey.
Eagles represent spirit, light, love and healing- healing yourself in order to connect back to your own spiritual journey. They are known to carry knowledge, magic, and gifts from above.
The Bear

The bear is a confident and fearless spirit animal. They ask you to be brave and believe in yourself. Just like the bear, you need to be strong and stand up for yourself, your birth rights, your beliefs and your own sovereignty not only in this world but the spirit world.
As the bear knows no predator and adapting this attitude can take you to successful heights in your life. The bear spirit bestows the gift of completion of self and wholeness in its often solitude journey.
The Hawk

The hawk has the ability to see things from a higher perspective and to recognize the truth in any situation. They represent perspective, truth, courage, intuition, inner wisdom and self- awareness.
The time is now to take a deep look at your life when a hawk shows up in your life. The hawk inspires you to look at your life from a higher perspective and tap into your inner knowing, wisdom and intuition to guide you.
The Snake

The snake as a spirit guide represents a life force as it is quite close to earth's energies.
Snakes are a symbol of healing powers and untapped potential opportunities.
They can be a symbol of spiritual guidance and presence of it in your life during a transition period of uncertainty.
The Crow

Crows are known for their higher perspectives, flexibility, magic and mysteries.Shift your point of view to a higher perspective as you invite a higher awareness into your life. This helps you to recognize the magic in everything happening around you and to you.
The crow is connected to life's magic, use your own magic and gifts to take back control over your life.
The Seal

The seal as a spirit guide indicates that there are things formed deep inside of you and things that are nurtured through you that help heighten your abilities and senses.
The seal helps you to remember your connection to your own unique inner rhythms. Swim with the current instead of against it and you will prosper.
The Hummingbird

When a hummingbird comes in your life, it's a sign of adaptability, playfulness and connection. They are full of love, lightness and speed packed into a tiny bundle of joy.
Hummingbirds can adapt to any situation while having a playful light spirit.
Hummingbirds are messengers to us to enjoy our lives and not to take things so seriously. They are present to remind us to be playful and enjoy life to the fullest everyday. They can help lift you up from negative toxic energies and show you that everything in life happens for a reason. Instead of trying to control outcomes, adapt to your surroundings.
What are your experiences with spirit animals? I'd love to hear all about your expeirences with spirit animals in the comments section below!
Namaste ~ Paulina
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