"Unity consciousness is a state of enlightenment where we pierce the mask of illusion which creates separation and fragmentation. Behind the appearance of separation is one unified field of wholeness. Here the seer and the scenery are one." ~ Deepak Chopra
How Does unity consciousness work?
We are all connected through energy. Everything in the universe, including us, is made up of energy, not matter. Energy is energy and everything is energy. The same energy that makes you is the same energy that composes plants, rocks, oceans, trees and the couch you are sitting on as well as the tablet, computer or phone you are using to read this blog post. It's all made of the same stuff: energy!
Unity Consciousness mostly means thinking and ultimately acting in ways that unite us to ourselves, others and nature.
A collective consciousness is a set of shared beliefs, knowledge, and education. A collective group of people all have the same inner knowing and inner guidance that all of our ideas, feelings and thoughts exist on a specific frequency that are aligned with one another and are accessible to everyone. Everyone in the universe is part of a collective network that binds us, however we often fail to have conscious awareness and perception of this. Connecting to our collective consciousness helps us to see a completely different universe and society than we do today.
When you operate from your higher consciousnesses, you are working from outside of lower consciousness or your "ego self". When we are guided by our egos, we tend to be more self focused, selfish and self involved as individuals. When we are guided by our souls or higher consciousness, we tend to be more kind, empathetic, compassionate, self aware, less selfish and altruistic. Our acts are from love rather than from fear.

What are the different states of consciousness?
During your lifetime, you will experience these states of consciousness:
1) Normal waking consciousness
2) Dreaming
3) Deep sleep (REM sleep)
Normal waking consciousness can be further split into:
The universal subconscious:
We share this with the rest of humanity. It links us with how others are feeling, our assumptions on things like environmental damage, progress as a society and aging.
The individual subconscious:
This is our inherited belief system that we have adapted from family, culture and society conditioning.
The conscious mind:
Our unique and individual perceptions of the world.
As humans in the universe, we are currently operating on the animal level of existence, and nature is pushing us to realize the human level of existence. When we operate from the animal level of existence, we have concern solely for our own self. When we connect to the unity consciousness: we shift our concern away from ourselves to concern for society as a whole. This is where we discover a whole new realm of collective wisdom, ancient knowledge, higher intelligence, attainment, and experience a blissful harmonious state in balance with nature.
You first have to come to the understanding of the nature of oneness before you can operate from a unity consciousness perspective. It comes after making major adjustments to our inner perspective, for us to see the unconscious beliefs in duality, and be able to rise above them.
We have to recognize the illusion in waking and sleeping life. As our perspective changes, our unity consciousness expands this inner knowing into feeling, and experiences of oneness. When our individual perspective ceases to exist, we can then experience life from the perspective of another.
Going through a spiritual awakening?
During an awakening, it may be useful to have some professional guidance: someone who can confidently, patiently and without judgement help us, step by step through the healing process. If you are in need of someone to talk with about triggers, past trauma, childhood wounds or repressed emotions. I am available for online booking please contact me directly at: fromanotherealm@gmail.com
Face whatever is holding you back head on and it no longer has power over you, you have power over it! Awareness and anything can't co exist. Awareness is more powerful than your ego, your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is what gets you back home to your soul purpose.
You can use your pain and turn it into power. If you are willing to work on where your pain comes from, the lesson to be learned and turn your knowledge into action, you can use your suffering to turn you into a stronger and wiser person! I look forward to working with you on your spiritual journey.
Love & Light,
Namaste ~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went through a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: fromanotherealm@gmail.com