Nobody is addicted to anything, they are addicted to escaping reality. I can most definitely relate to this as I used alcohol and drugs for many years as an escape from my current status quo. I was chasing temporary alleviation that got me in a lot of trouble. By partying I was avoiding my emotions, thoughts and feelings that made me uncomfortable.
When I discovered drugs and alcohol I felt like I could finally have a break from it all. At the time, I thought that I had found a solution but it was a temporary and fleeting one. The reality was that I was just putting a band-aid over my wound but never really addressing why I had that wound in the first place. Instead of looking within myself, I was looking outside of myself for the solution.
I thought that the alcohol and drugs were making me feel better, but instead it made me feel worse. It lowered my vibrations and after partying and bingeing on drugs and alcohol I was more depressed, anxious and lost. I would regularly have emotions like shame, guilt and embarrassment after nights out that I didn't remember. Escaping my reality wasn't making my reality any better, it made it much worse.
It's a very tough cycle for me to embrace. Intuitively I knew that drinking and partying wasn't helping but I didn't know how to get out of my own self-imposed prison. This cycle lasted for 10 years of my life. It started in my teenage years when I was in high school as soon as I had access to alcohol and drugs. Using alcohol and drugs as a gateway to run away from my inner thoughts, feelings and emotions took me back to that same place I was running from. I was going around in circles like a hamster running on a wheel.
I am soul proud to say that it has been 4 years since I have been sober. After I went through my spiritual awakening, things that were not in alignment with my Higher Self fell away. This included any addictions like alcohol and drugs. When I cleared the energetic blocks, I was no longer addicted to alcohol or any other escape mechanism. I was able to process and integrate the emotions, thoughts and feelings I felt without having to escape my reality.
After my spiritual awakening I faced my inner child wounds, repressed emotions, traumas and shadow self. Instead of self medicating with drugs and alcohol I was able to self-heal myself with love. Are you struggling with addictions, depression, illness, weight gain/loss, fatigue, chronic stress, hair loss or anxiety? These are all a result of being spiritually imbalanced. They are all manifestations of the root problem. This is your soul's way of telling you there is an issue. Even when you "cure" one symptom it will keep manifesting as something else.
Going through a spiritual awakening?
During an awakening, it may be useful to have some professional guidance: someone who can confidently, patiently and without judgement help us, step by step through the healing process. If you are in need of someone to talk with about triggers, past trauma, childhood wounds or repressed emotions. I am available for online booking please contact me directly at: fromanotherealm@gmail.com
Face whatever is holding you back head on and it no longer has power over you, you have power over it! Awareness and anything can't co exist. Awareness is more powerful than your ego, your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is what gets you back home to your soul purpose.
You can use your pain and turn it into power. If you are willing to work on where your pain comes from, the lesson to be learned and turn your knowledge into action, you can use your suffering to turn you into a stronger and wiser person! I look forward to working with you on your spiritual journey.
Love & Light,
Namaste ~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went through a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: fromanotherealm@gmail.com
What you write in most of your publications remind me my NLP courses....🤗