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Coronavirus As A Portal

Writer's picture: fromanotherealm fromanotherealm

I haven’t watched or taken in much mainstream news about the spread of the coronavirus, interestingly named considering it is the sun’s energies being offered through coronal holes in its surface providing us with much sacred masculine activation during this phase of Ascension. Even choosing not to take in the 3D news perspective and energy, I can feel the growing fear, panic, and sense of powerlessness growing around it within the collective. I can feel it, yet I am not of it.

Whenever there are reactions of fear, there is an opportunity to discover what it is actually about within your own soul and consciousness. One of the deepest fears we can have as humans when we still consciously feel separated from the Divine is of physical body death. Physical body death brings up a recapitulation of the original separation wound that is so painful. Anything that threatens our ‘lives’ in our physical body can then push up this fear. If we haven’t conceived of our spirit and soul beyond our physical bodies, then we are totally attached in consciousness to our physical experience and bodies. This is a good way of understanding what 3D consciousness offers….little beyond the physical experience.

From this place of 3D reality, something like the coronavirus feels very threatening and pushes up an extreme fear of body death and therefore Divine separation. There isn’t much sense of trust and Divine surrender in this perspective. There isn’t much connection and trust to the light body, subtle energy systems, and prana/chi/life force frequencies that can be brought in to respond to something like a stronger virus. Because mainstream medicine is reactive rather than preventative, there are so many in 3D consciousness living in extremely poor health and vitality, for which this virus can greatly impact and harm them.

As we feel from a higher perspective the soul’s choices here, we can start to tune into the bigger choice point and transition that is happening collectively. As I’ve mentioned in other writings, it is a time of ‘stay or go’ on the soul’s level as we move into a deeper phase and stage of Ascension. Those souls who want and need more 3D experience (as it does offer so much growth opportunity if you can emerge and awaken out of it!) would choose to leave the Earth plane now as it transitions to more 4D and then 5D Gaia experience. In this way, these souls may choose the coronavirus as the means to exit now.

Something like a virus is a portal for us to feel into our soul’s history and experience of viruses in previous lifetimes and timelines. From the black plague to other epidemic experiences, the reactions of fear and panic can sometimes stem from another timeline when these viruses were truly and deeply devastating to us and this wasn’t processed on an emotional body level. If you are finding yourself in strong reaction to it, this may be a place to go exploring to see if there is a connection for you in your soul’s experience.

I have been asked if it feels like this virus has been planted by the Cabal, Illuminati, etc. as a population control means or by the alliance to be able to collapse the world’s economy and bring in alternative currency, etc. Both of these feel possible and yet the interesting piece there is what reactions that brings up in you if either of those are the case. Feelings of outrage are also a portal to feel the parts of you in activist and protest modes that could, again, be from another lifetime. The invitation is to return to the Ambassador’s sense that we are ALL players in this Divine play and whatever ‘roles’ we are choosing benefit this experience. Offering forgiveness and compassion to others and self can help navigate this.

I’ve been mentioning the 3D/Lower 4D Matrix rumbles and reboots and this virus feels like an aspect of that. Viruses reboot and disrupt programs, such as the Lower 4D Artificial Intelligence Program running from the Reptilian 4D Dimension. Love is a good kind of virus that leads to mutual liberation for all of us. If we are trusting that ALL energies ultimately come from the Divine than even this coronavirus serves a purpose of love that comes from the Divine. The loss of human life, when seen from a soul’s choice level, becomes a sometimes necessary aspect of that.

Connecting to Divine trust and surrender allows for a sense of flow through the sometimes turbulent times ahead. Detoxing from 3D energies within your body, bringing in more light, healing traumas at the self and soul levels can help to boost your immune system as needed. Here is a recent video to activate your light body:

Remaining anchored in a higher consciousness frequency while bridging with love to all parts of you that need support and love can help ride the waves. As you find that sense of trust inside yourself, you can extend it out towards others as as beacon of peace, of love, and of possibility.

Namaste ~ Paulina

Hello, my name is Paulina. I went thru a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me:



From Another Realm ©


Vancouver Island, British Columbia

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