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Coronavirus As A Smokescreen For Major Reboots...

Writer's picture: fromanotherealm fromanotherealm

from another realm

When feeling into this current supposed ‘pandemic’ of the Covid-19 strain of coronavirus, there has often to me felt like ‘there is no there there.’ Meaning, I couldn’t sense the substance of it, the heat of it. It felt like air or, rather, a billow of smoke rather than the actual fire. The more tuned in you are to your own authentic reality and your emotional body, the more you can feel when something is ‘real’ versus a fear projection triggered by outside sources.

As I checked in with my guides and some alternative/disclosure/awakened news sources, I could feel the smoke of body death fear start to clear and the trigger in humanity’s collective experience of plagues in other timelines began to dissipate. It is at a peak triggered fear in the moment and so it can be challenging, especially for empaths, to move through this layer in the collective emotional body (and in their own souls) to feel their truths, their hearts, and their purpose to serve love.

Even with the strength of the collective fear energies that are needing to be cleared right now, many awakened souls seem to be remaining in their centers around the truth of love and the bigger picture of Ascension that is going on. This is where the ‘inner work’ foundations really start to become embodied in response to what is needed on the outside.

from another realm

What I’ve been offered about this virus and what feels true to me is that it is actually a smokescreen. Its purpose is to create diversion so that the next phase and stages of collapse of the 3D Matrix can be implemented without creating even MORE fear and mass panic in the 3D collective. China has an important role in the next phases of rebirth, especially to lead the emerging out of the old money systems (debt based to a new world currency to eventually service-based exchange).

Supposedly there was an attack on China in the Wuhan region from the Cabal, Illuminati that was then needing to be covered up (because of how difficult that would be for 3D mainstream to accept) for which the virus provided the means of doing that and also reason to shut down the entire country to ‘reboot’ the system as it was cleaned up.

Italy was also needing this mass smokescreen as many elite and powerful members of the Vatican are being arrested/detained following the issuing of hundreds and thousands of sealed indictments that have been recorded now for many months. Italy has been a ‘hotbed’ of much of the 3D Matrix beginnings, going ‘back’ to the Roman Empire. The country itself shutting down is a way to cloak these happenings from people while this offers a brand new rebirth for it to emerge out of the ashes. Some of others who are deeply involved in the Cabal (including some celebrities, business leaders, etc.) are apparently also being publicly ‘self quarantined’, which is actually being used to cover their detainment for now.

from another realm

Other countries now following and falling like dominoes to restrict travel at their borders, declare national emergencies, encourage people to stay at home and ‘self quarantine’ are all aspects of the overall reboot process. When I feel into this, I can feel the actual love for all of us that is going on here even as it can bring up feelings of being controlled, limited, and helpless for parts of us.

It is really up to each of us in terms of what feels right related to going out and even travel at this time as the energies may continue to peak into a necessary fear place in order to purge it (exactly what a virus does.) Being out in public may be uncomfortable for those of us who are very sensitive to energy and remaining in safe places/shelters, doing inner work to feel and clear fear, sending love to the collective as ambassadors, etc. may be how we can best serve as this wave moves through. I am getting the sense that much of this will be cleared in the next few weeks.

This is the time we’ve been waiting and preparing for our entire lives. This is WHY we are here at this time of humanity’s great transition. For those of us who have spent YEARS awakening to these realities, it is time for us to truly step forward to lead and serve love.

The phase of needing much support from and with other resonant souls feels like it is passing now even as it remains an always available life line. It is time to trust your own soul’s bigness and step into the light to guide others in whatever ways you are called to do that.

Many unawakened souls are still in a deep fog about this, believing whatever is told to them, disconnected from the Divine (just temporarily), and in a genuine panic and fear state. Even those who have been awakening can get caught up in the peak fear to whatever degree they are still plugged into the Matrix at the soul, unconscious levels.

Fear is a portal offering a way to self and soul discovery and is not ‘bad’ in that way. It has been a necessary result of this separation experiment from the Divine in order to return back to source again. If you are understandably feeling fear over these changes and the unknown that they bring, becoming compassionately curious about it and going within to feel what parts of you are feeling and what timelines also may be triggered and bleeding through can be very helpful.

Immunity arises from serving love, from moving into your soul’s purpose here, from healing fear from this-life and soul levels too. As you share from this immune place, you are actually offering a vaccine to others who are ready to receive it. This is then the ‘spread’ of a love virus, rather than a fear-based one.

Much love to you as we move into this next level of Ascension… we are called to rise and shine!

Going through a spiritual awakening?

During an awakening, it may be useful to have some professional guidance: someone who can confidently, patiently and without judgement help us, step by step through the healing process. If you are in need of someone to talk with about triggers, past trauma, childhood wounds or repressed emotions. I am available for online booking please contact me directly at:

Face whatever is holding you back head on and it no longer has power over you, you have power over it! Awareness and anything can't co exist. Awareness is more powerful than your ego, your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is what gets you back home to your soul purpose.

You can use your pain and turn it into power. If you are willing to work on where your pain comes from, the lesson to be learned and turn your knowledge into action, you can use your suffering to turn you into a stronger and wiser person! I look forward to working with you on your spiritual journey.

Love & Light,

Namaste ~ Paulina

Hello, my name is Paulina. I went through a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me:



From Another Realm ©


Vancouver Island, British Columbia

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