When we grow up on a gender based society, we are taught from a young age to identify with the gender we are born. It's considered "weird"to identify with anything that falls outside of this. For example: young girls are encouraged to wear pink, grow out their hair and play with barbies. On the other hand, young boys are are told to hide their emotions with"big boys don't cry", to play with cars and like the color blue or green.
As spiritual beings it's important to understand that we are neither male or female- we are androgynous. What does it mean to be androgynous? Wikipedia defines it as: Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics into an ambiguous form. Androgyny may be expressed with regard to biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual identity. The different meanings of androgyny point to the complex interrelationship between aspects of sex, gender, and sexuality.
When we incarnate on earth to experience ourselves in physical form, we can choose to be born in a female or male body. Considering yourself female or male is considered the greatest polarities experiences here on earth. If you notice, everything here on earth is made up of polarities in order for us to experience and understand everything and everyone completely. We must know what it's like to be short in order to know tall. We must know how it's like to be rich to know poor. We must know what it is to be bad to be good and so forth.
My belief is this: we incarnate as a particular gender on earth to experience the energy associated with that gender and also to find balance between both energies- the yin and yang, the black and the white.
When we come to earth we forget who we really are deep down inside, before society and conditioning has told us what we are.
Masculine and Feminine energy:
We all have masculine and feminine energies within us, because of this we are not bound to expressing just one which is traditionally associated with our gender. These are typical masculine and feminine traits below. I can guarantee that you can identify with something from each of these columns.
The left side of our brain is the masculine energy and is more analytical and logical.
This energy when used properly is practical, strong, creative and self- confident. The masculine energy is excellent for making decisions, taking control of situations and getting things done.
When this masculine energy is out of balance, there can increase in anger, aggression, inner conflicts, stress and abuse of power. Often times when people have a dominance of masculine energies within themselves they are always in a constant state of doing, always trying to reach the next big goal and are never happy with the current status quo.
The right side of our brain is the feminine energy and is intuitive, creative and loving.
Feminine energy qualities include: empathy, emotion, compassion and truth.When you are deeply connected with your feminine energies you have a strong connection to your inner knowing, intuition and your body. You are able to make decisions based solely on what you feel in your heart. Feminine energies are highly spiritual and in tune with nature and earthly surroundings.
When the feminine energy is out of balance, you can come across as weak and lose your personal power. Often times you are too soft and don't stand up for your own truth, inner knowledge and beliefs often to avoid conflict with another soul. If your feminine energy is misused you may come across as softly spoken, whimsical or non confident. When men shun their own feminine energies within themselves they have a hard time processing or showing their emotions and relating to their female partner.
Namaste~ Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went thru a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: www.fromanotherealm.com