Energy Update: The Schumann Resonance is a direct reflection of consciousness levels around the Earth at any point. Gaia's Schumann frequency responded today, April 5th, with waves of higher frequency that reached a peak of 76 HZ.
The raising rhythm or the heartbeat of earth is Gaia's ascension which is an ongoing process. I've personally been tracking the Schumann Resonance for the last couple of years as I knew intuitively it had everything to do with the great awakening of humanity.
The earth alliance estimates that over 1 billion people participated in the incredible global mass meditation yesterday! Gaia's frequency as the Schumann resonance directly correlates to humanity's consciousness and brain waves. She goes UP as we go UP, we go UP as she goes UP.
People all across the world report experiencing an intense dimensional shift just after 11pm EST, which was during the meditation! The collective energy levels began rising right after the meditation began. A powerful burst of 40 HZ 5D light was imprinted on the graph during peak meditation time, and the wave went up after Midnight, EST! Schumann off the charts... around 4/4 and 4/5.
Yesterday, 4/4/2020 was the opening of a powerful portal of high frequency energies as well as galactic astrological, and planetary alignments. Many souls came together consciously yesterday to for the mass meditation during this portal. The intention of the global mass meditation was to raise the base frequency, love, bliss, peace and oneness into 5D/ new earth.
What does a spike in the Schumann resonance mean?
The "Schumann resonance" was established in 1954 at a main frequency of 7.83 Hz. The Schumann resonance measures global electromagnetic resonances generated by lightning discharges in the ionosphere. It's basically the background frequency that influences the biological circuitry if the brain and everything else on earth.
Our nervous system can be influenced by the earth's electromagnetic field. This is a big reason why being outside in nature is so therapeutic and restorative. When you disconnect from a typical city setting (traffic, crowds, noise, pollution, work, and your routine to name a few) you can slow down your brain waves. Instead of being anxious, aggressive and impatient you become relaxed, calm and collective. Your brain waves go from higher ranges of beta waves to more restorative alpha waves.
For the first time in recorded history on January 31, 2017 the Schumann resonance reached frequencies of 36+ Hz.
Energy update: strong Schumann resonance on April 4/5 2020, a spike going up to 76 HZ.
Below is the hourly activity in universal time:
4/05 17:00 – To summarize today’s chart, the activity started at 1 UTC and 16 hours of strong activity that is still ongoing. At 16 UTC the amplitude returned below Power 30 going down to Power 17. The movements are continuing between Power 20 and 30. The frequency instead remains around 7.2 slightly rising.
4/05 15:30 – After a gradual series of peaks descending from Power 76 to Power 64, reached at around 12 UTC, a rapid decline began which at 14 UTC brought the amplitude to Power 10. This condition did not last long as shortly after the values started to increase to return around Power 40 at 14:30 UTC, remaining almost steady on this value until the time of this update.
4/05 11:30 – Starting from 8:30 UTC it seems that an even more intense phase has begun in which the amplitude of the variations has remained practically always above Power 60. The significant new peak at Power 74 occurred at 10:20 UTC and at the time of this update we are above Power 60. From the Frequency graph it can be seen that a sharp drop, bringing the frequency to around 7.2 Hz, started at 1 UTC and there remained for 10 consecutive hours.
4/05 10:00 – As mentioned earlier, from 3:30 am UTC the Amplitude has remained above Power 40 and we are still in this condition, so it is about 7 hours. An even more powerful phase began around 8:30 UTC and generated the maximum peak, so far, of Power 76. At the time of this update we are around Power 50 apparently rising. As can be seen from the ECC Table below, the maximum values recorded today exceed ECC 100, statistically speaking on February 27, 2020 we recorded an ECC of 378.
4/05 07:30 – We are in a powerful phase of activity that began with a first isolated peak at 1 UTC and shortly thereafter, around 2 o’clock, a constant growth began which brought the Amplitude above Power 40 a first time at 3:30 UTC. After a slight drop to Power 30 shortly thereafter, from 3:45 UTC until the time of this update we stayed above Power 40 reaching the maximum value so far of Power 65 at 5 UTC. From 4 UTC we are almost constantly above Power 50.
I believe it's the rise of human consciousness and awakening that is impacting the magnetic field of the earth and creating these disturbances. Could the drastic rise in frequency have something to do with this?
The higher the frequency, the more diverse the information the frequencies carry. Anything that happens to Gaia (earth) is happening to us as we are all organic creatures made of matter and are susceptible to electromagnetic fields. As earths frequency is rising, so is ours as we are inseparable from the earth.
Evolution hasn't always been an easy process but as the earth's electromagnetic field is rising our brain will be able to pick up greater frequencies as a result. These frequencies will help us to become more awake, aware, creative, conscious and enlightened.
As the Schumann resonance continues to rise so will our consciousness. When our consciousness increases, we have greater awareness of not only ourselves but the whole universe at large. That's what gamma brain waves are, they can be more than twice as high as beta brain waves. They represent an aroused state in the brain and are correlated with a super consciousness and awareness along with higher amounts of peace, love and compassion for all.
As the earth is vibrating higher, we too will have to transition thru this to enter a higher consciousness of gamma brain wave states. As a result, I believe that our nervous system would be upgraded to expand our own awareness, consciousness and perceptions on reality.
You can check out the spikes in Schumann resonance updated daily on this website:
We are currently on the verge of a great evolutionary leap! The Schumann resonance is assisting us in lifting the veil to help humanity awaken and remember who they truly are. We are souls having a human experience, not a body with a soul. Together as a collective consciousness we can thrive to higher levels of love and abundance.
Going thru a spiritual awakening?
During an awakening, it may be useful to have a coach or professional help. By having an outside perspective, I can help to accelerate your growth. To heal ourselves we need someone who can confidently, patiently and without judgment help us, step by step through the healing process. If you are in need of someone to talk with about past trauma, childhood wounds, repressed emotions and pain. I am available for online booking via Skype: @fromanotherealm or contact me directly via
Face whatever is holding you back head on and it no longer has power over you, you have power over it! Awareness and anything can't co exist. Awareness is more powerful than your ego, your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is what gets you back home to your soul purpose.
You can use your pain and turn it into power. If you are willing to work on where your pain comes from, the lesson to be learned and turn your knowledge into action, you can use your suffering to turn you into a stronger and wiser person! I look forward to working with you on your spiritual journey!
Love & Light,
Namaste ~Paulina
Hello, my name is Paulina. I went thru a spiritual awakening journey in 2018. I am in touch with my higher self and want to help you find yours. Until your higher self kicks in let me be your guide back home. Book 1:1 sessions with me: